Public Agencies
Sloan Sakai has unparalleled experience representing virtually every type of public agency in California. We have represented the State of California, the California Senate and Assembly, the Judicial Council of California, the University of California, California State University, numerous cities, counties, councils of government, regional transportation planning agencies and metropolitan planning organizations, special districts (including joint powers authorities), and local agency formation commissions.
We are not a traditional law firm focused on billable hours and profitability. Instead, our vision is to contribute, case by case and project by project, to the vitality and sustainability of our public sector clients. Our goal is to help clients effectively address labor law, labor relations, employment law, and government law challenges in furtherance of their important missions. We do so through close client collaboration, pragmatic strategic thinking, and excellent, cost-effective, and timely legal work.
Our experiences in our earlier professional lives contribute to our insight. Most of the partners in the Firm and all non-attorney consultants have had stints in the public sector. We understand what it’s like to walk in our clients’ shoes, and we bring this understanding to our day-to-day work. We actively look to establish a framework for constructive dialogue with our clients about our legal work, how we can do better, and more broadly how we can help our clients achieve their goals and objectives. For many of our clients, we serve as staff, counselors, and trainers. These relationships strengthen our ability to represent our clients and particularly to find innovative and beneficial solutions to problems.

The attorneys and consultants at Sloan Sakai have decades of experience working for and with non-profits. We bring both the passion and understanding needed to deliver exceptional legal services to our nonprofit clients. Nonprofits, unlike corporations all have unique core purposes. Nonprofits are formed explicitly to benefit the public good. Sloan Sakai represents nonprofit organizations that have used their mission to produce extraordinary and transformative outcomes in health, education, and welfare.
We provide representation and advice including:
- Serving as general counsel
- Preparing bylaws and articles of incorporation
- Negotiation, arbitration, and union organizing efforts
- Public interest litigation on behalf of non-profits
- Market competitiveness analysis
- Financial and organizational consulting
- Personnel policies and advice
- Workplace Investigations
- Ethics and harassment training
- Organizational Assessments Consulting
- Risk Management Consulting
- Human Resources Consulting
- Crisis Management
- Insurance Claim Policy Review Advice

Private Employers
Sloan Sakai stands ready to assist private employers with their labor and employment challenges. Our Labor and Employment law division is the largest in the Firm. Attorneys in our L&E law group work with, advise, and represent employers regarding the broad spectrum of labor law and employment law matters, including negotiations, personnel and disciplinary matters, arbitrations, NLRB matters, DFEH and EEOC matters, employment and labor law litigation, and other state and federal labor law issues and proceedings. Our day-to-day work includes advice on leave policies, general personnel rules and regulations, and risk management issues. We also conduct and oversee investigations, and we offer robust training programs. The bulk of our clients are unionized, and we do our best to encourage collaboration and early dispute resolution, but also aggressively represent clients in the event of litigation or other adversarial proceedings.
We have extensive experience litigating all types of employment and labor law cases before the state and federal courts and various administrative agencies such as the NLRB, DOL, and OSHA. Our attorney regularly defend private employers in employment lawsuits alleging discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and other claims. We also have successfully handled hundreds of labor arbitrations.