Two Sloan Sakai attorneys have speaking engagements this week that you will not want to miss! Details can be found below:
ACWA 2022 Spring Conference & Exhibition – Senior Counsel DeeAnne Gillick will be speaking at this conference held in Sacramento. Her Thursday session at 9:30 a.m. will examine water system consolidation. Consolidations can have impacts on customers, agency staff, and elected officials and can take some time to complete. Speakers at DeeAnne’s session will give examples of consolidations, discuss the process and difficulties associated with various types of consolidations, and discuss legal considerations when consolidating small systems. DeeAnne will focus on consolidating utilities though local agency formation commissions.
CLA Public Sector Labor and Employment Law Conference – Managing Partner Tim Yeung is a marque speaker at the CLA’s 2022 Public Sector Conference held in San Francisco this Friday. At 1:00 p.m. he will provide an overview of the year’s latest developments in California public sector labor and employment law. The review will include updates and insights on the most important court decisions, legislation, and administrative decisions from the past year.