DeeAnne Gillick is Senior Counsel with Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong LLP. Ms. Gillick advises various public agencies, including transportation planning agencies, joint powers authorities, local agency formation commissions, councils of government, and special districts, as well as non-profit organizations serving as quasi-public agencies. Ms. Gillick serves as general and special counsel, proving advice and counsel on open government laws, public contracting and bidding, state and federal transportation law, CEQA compliance, LAFCo law, public employment and human resources, ethics and conflicts of interest, legislation, and related litigation matters. Ms. Gillick currently serves as General Counsel to El Dorado Water Agency, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, El Dorado County Transportation Commission, and Sacramento Local Formation Commission.
Before her current practice with the firm, Ms. Gillick was in the City Attorney’s Office for the City of Rocklin for over five years, including serving as the Interim City Attorney. Prior to working for the City of Rocklin, Ms. Gillick was a Partner with the law firm of Neumiller & Beardslee in Stockton, California where she practiced in the Land Use and Public Agency Practice Group. Her clients included the County of San Joaquin as Special Water Counsel, the City of Stockton Civil Service Commission, San Joaquin Council of Governments, Stanislaus Council of Governments, the City of Hughson, and other public agencies and special districts. She started her representation of public agencies as a Deputy County Counsel for San Joaquin County advising the planning department, the planning commission, the environmental health department, the water resources department, and the Advisory Water Commission, and handling code enforcement, employee discipline, and litigation matters.
Ms. Gillick has represented public agencies her entire legal career with over twenty-five years of experience including serving as deputy county counsel, city attorney, and representing a variety of public agencies, special districts and joint powers agencies as general counsel and special counsel. In addition, she taught Property-Land Use and Water Law as an Adjunct Professor at Humphreys College School of Law in Stockton, California.
Ms. Gillick provides training to clients’ staff on a variety of topics, including compliance with the Brown Act and, conflicts laws, and AB1234 ethics training.
- Sacramento County Bar Association, Public Law Section, Section Board Member and current Section Treasurer
- State Bar of California, Public Law Section